Trading with Smart Money and Volatility Breakpoint
Forex Trend Detector
Currency Pair Volatility and Volatility Breakpoints? Currency Pair Volatility is the price change rate of that pair over a certain period of time, expressed as a percentage and calculated using the standard deviation or the variance between returns from that pair. Commonly the higher the volatility, the riskier the market. Here is an example table showing different currency pairs with their price changes and volatility percentage over a period of time: Volatility Breakpoint is that point where
GPS Forex Robot 3 is Now LIVE
GPS Forex Robot
Mark Larsen, the creator of the widely used and highly profitable automated Forex trading software has just released the latest version 3 of GPS Forex robot, that was developed for a private closed group of traders in the past, and now it's making about 30% profit a month backed up with a live documented 3rd party verified proof. Historical Overview About 4 years ago, Mark has come up with an idea of a robot that can remain stable against the market condition changes and since then it
WallStreet Recovery PRO v1.0, Another Interesting Free Bonus
WallStreet Forex Robot 3.0 Domination
After the great success of the last valuable bonus WallStreet ASIA added to the WallStreet Forex Robot new version 5.0, the EA authors have decided to add another powerful bonus without elevating the robot price, it's WallStreet Recovery PRO v1.0, the customer will be able to download and use all of the three Forex Robots just for the price of the main robot, an Amazing 3 IN ONE Offer. The new bonus is identical to the parent WallStreet Forex Robot except for its trade management system;
EA Analyzer New Version 4.0 Beta Has Just Been Released
Quant Analyzer
We showed in the previous posts how Quant Analyzer is the most powerful tool among those known to analyze trading strategy and portfolio performance by importing the previously generated backtest of the currently running live trading results and expose them to an advanced process of analysis including periodic performance analysis as by the hour, day, day of the week, month and more, strategy stagnation time, advanced stats as Sharpe ratio, R Expectancy and more and performance and correlation
NEW WallStreet Forex Robot v5.0 Released PLUS WallStreet ASIA - 2 In One
WallStreet Forex Robot 3.0 Domination
FXAutomater - the most experienced Forex trader team (for about 12 years) and automated system developers (for about 8 years); the owners and coders of the well known market leading WallStreet Forex Robot, have recently released a new version 5.0 of that amazing robot with a bundle of new interesting features. It comes with a bonus sub-version WallStreet ASIA robot; the Asian session scalper together for the same price of the parent EA, I think that this would be for a limited time that is not
Drawdown, Maximum Drawdown and Losing Streaks
Quant Data Manager
As we all know, risk management would secure our profits on long term, but what if we put risk management rules aside and advanced without it? This is an example: If you have $10,000 and lost $5,000, this is a 50% loss of your account. In other words, this is a 50% drawdown. A drawdown term can be simply understood as the decrease in the starting capital after passing through a series of losses. It's net value can be calculated as the difference between a relative peak minus a relative drop
Vortex Trader PRO keeps winning, The Most Accurate Forex System Ever Seen
Vortex Trader PRO
I think that very few of who are reading this post now have come across something like that before; Doug Price new system! Vortex Trader PRO It's a Forex system that won over 95% of its trades, it rarely loses and when it does, the losses are usually small. It's a Forex system running on a real money account verified by a third party. It's a Forex system that won 48 trades in a row with low risk! It's a Forex system that has won 199 trades and only lost 9 in live trading. I
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